Over 15 years, I cumulated about three years in Brazil. This painting project is opportunity to encapsulate the feelings that draws one to quit one’s culture, the inner experiences triggered by living in a foreign country. This project has a light narrative structure around my last...


Toilet Paper Diary

The Story of a 21st Century Crisis . [qbutton size="small" style="white" text="View the scroll ›" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" fe_icon="" icon_color="" link="https://guylaramee.com/projet/Toilet-Paper-Diary.html" target="_blank" color="#000000" hover_color="#bababa" border_color="" hover_border_color="" background_color="#ffffff" hover_background_color="#615d5d" font_style="normal" font_weight="600" text_align="center" margin="10"] . This project was created almost exclusively with the medium of toilet paper. Produced between March 2020 and...


Onde eles moram

This project is inspired by two trips to a region of southern Brazil called Serra do Corvo Branco(Range of the White Raven). Aparados da Serra is a specific mountain pass that is part of a hundred mile long line of canyons, where the high plateau...


The Great Wall

Having recently overthrown the American Empire in the 23rd century, the Chinese Empire set out to chronicle the history of the Great Panics during the 21st and 22nd centuries. This Herculean undertaking resulted in a historiographical masterwork entitled, The Great Wall. Comprising 100 volumes, this encyclopaedia...



May it rain May it rain on this troubled world May this rain erase borders May it mix colors, forms, and times. May it rain upon me May the sound of this rain Wash myself from myself May this rain dissolve me Until I recognize myself in trees, mountains, and people. May I keep...


The Cloud of unknowing

Tribute to Gerhard Richter “The eye and fantasy feel more attracted by nebulous distance than by that which is close and distinct in front of us” -Caspar David Friedrich “I have nothing to help me, no idea that I can serve in return for being told what to...


The Sacrifice

We have sacrificed everything. We have sacrificed cultures for progress. We have sacrificed species to house our children. We have sacrificed the landscape in order to possess it. We have sacrificed mystery for a formula, beauty for ideas, Liberty for security. We have sacrificed “Us” for “Me”. We have left traces of...


Marche de nuit

Interdisciplinary theatre in the dark, 6 actors and a 90 feet long luminescent screen. Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, Carrefour international de théâtre, 1994-6.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLyONNFgAgs&feature=youtu.be    ...